Friday, September 3, 2010

pros. vs. cons. to marrying a genius

I have already shared some of the hardships I endure on account of being married to a theoretical physicist. This morning I was spending a little time thinking about some of the pros and cons, and  I thought you may enjoy some of these thoughts. :)

He’s a genius! (genius=heartthrob)
I think everything he says is true even when he’s totally pulling my leg.
He can beat  normal people in pretty much any strategy-based game.
He beats ME in pretty much every strategy-based game; leaves us with so few options of games to play.... (I do so hate to lose over and over and over again....)
He’s smart enough to teach college.  And does.
I’m the wife of a professor--suddenly I feel very very old.
He went to MIT and knows what technology is out there.
Gets [extremely] annoyed almost EVERY time I’m dealing with a provider (medical, internet, phone, you name it) and their systems are “so medieval!!!!”  (So, I’m supposed to tell them that on the phone or what??? YOU tell them that and see if it resolves the issue!)
Likes to teach our children to inquire about the world around them.
Elijah has watched so many absolutely disgusting videos.  Did you know there are parasites that will grow inside another animal and take over it’s functions--so it basically makes the host like a zombie?  Then they’ll eat their way out--GROSS!!!!!!
Finds math very easy.
He can then get frustrated with people who don’t do their math. (Like, when he knows that America’s Got Talent is trying to pull a fast one when they say, “oh! wow! both of you will go instead of just one of you”--No surprise to Jon... he did the math....Why does EVERYTHING have to be about math!?!  give me a break! :-P )

Okay, I'm done chuckling at my husband's expense.... (for now!) Time to make better use of the kids' nap time!

1 comment:

  1. isn't it wonderful that GOD created each of us to be unique!
