Friday, September 10, 2010

the end of hope

Yes, it is the end of hope.  My hope in ever having a creditable, well-liked, oft read blog has run away--high-tailed it to the nearest capable and creative blogging mom who is not me.  Why you ask?  Because tonight, tonight I have journeyed to the other side.  I have spent this last half an hour, while my husband peacefully rests behind me on the couch, clicking on one link after another after another only to find what I desperately feared (but always new inside myself) was true.  <<insert sad and yet suspenseful music here>>  That there are indeed amazing blogs out there that I will never be able to match in beauty or creativity.

Oh, to have the knowledge to make my own website! (Grr, these templates are so unsatisfying!!)  Oh, to have the ability to take great pictures! (Ahh, when a digital point and shoot is just not enough!!) Oh, to have enough lighting in the kitchen to be able to see the food I want to take pictures of!  (Such a dungeon I live in!!)

Yes, yes, it's true.  It is the end.  But, fear not, my loyal readers (however few there are of you) I am a stubborn woman.  And so, while I have realized that my blogging will never reach the ranks of one able to make a small fortune in advertising, I will carry on.  I will continue writing despite the odds stacked against me.  How, you say? How can I push on against such despair?!  It is simple you see...

...when everyone else in my house is asleep, I'll still need some kind of outlet for my obsessive rambling.

1 comment:

  1. and I your nosy mother will continue to follow your blogs, a teeny peek into your life, since we are so far away. Your writings are important to you and to me, so keep on going. Your stories provide insight, inspiration and sometiimes a much needed laugh or curiosity. We all need to occasionally look outside our own little pod. love you
