Our laundry is in our basement, much to my disappointment. This might not be as big a deal if we had one of those lovely "finished" basements--you know the ones that feel more like a part of your house than a part of a dungeon--but then, if we did have a "finished" basement, we would probably have a house new enough that the laundry wouldn't be down there anyway. But alas, I digress.... as usual.
I try to keep the area as free from small scary creatures as I can, but there are always spiderwebs and centipedes that I can't keep up with. I generally prefer going down there during the day to lessen my encounters with said scary creatures. But tonight I was really trying to get some wash done, so I slowly crept downstairs, trying as hard as I could to keep my eyes peeled for any, ANY, movement.
Then I saw it--not a centipede or a daddy-long-leg, like my usual findings--but a large black spider. Now spiders don't usually upset me all that much. They're way less scary than centipedes, I think. But this one, well, it's size got me to feeling like I didn't really want to be standing a foot away from it loading the clothes into the washer.
So, of course, I did what any woman would do. I yelled for the man of the house.
Down came my chivalrous knight in shining armor, and he captured the enemy in one swift encounter. But as he took it upstairs, I suddenly felt conflicted.
Would this spider, left to live downstairs (instead of taken outside, where I had originally banished him), actually kill those most-evil of creatures? Would he actually help me in my fight against the centipede?
Suddenly I was unsure of my decision... Which did I like less--the idea of a large spider lurking right by where I do the laundry, or the idea that there might be more centipedes scurrying around than would otherwise if it were kept alive.
Decisions, decisions. Ultimately, I opted to stick with my original thought. Outside he was taken, hopefully to find another home. Further from mine. I do wish I could fight this centipede war with an ally a little less frightening than a large spider....