Monday, October 4, 2010

Looking Pretty

Sometimes as parents, we do things with or for our kids so other people will think we're good parents.  I know, it's terrible.  Even sinful.  Yet, true.  So very true.  There are even times when, after failing to do something impressive, we spend time regretting it--thinking about all the recognition we could have gotten if we had only done that thing.

Okay, maybe I'm the only one who does this.  Or, maybe I'm the only one who would admit to doing this....

In contrast, there are times when it seems like I'm trying to impress, and really I'm just trying to keep my sanity.  People who aren't parents don't truly understand the lengths to which we must go in order to stay sane--or at least, to have an appearance of sanity.

People are often commenting about how beautiful my six month old is.  And they are super impressed with the fact that I always have her hair in a cute ponytail on the top of her head.  I imagine they think I'm going to great lengths to make her look that much more beautiful.  But in truth, I'm just trying to keep my sanity.

My son was born with a very visible cowlick on the top left of his head--near the start of his hairline above the forehead.  My daughter, born 2 1/2 years later, has the exact same cowlick.  I've struggled with how to deal with my son's, but it's gotten even more difficult to deal with my daugther's.  She's only six months old, but hair is at least five inches long on the top of her head.  This presents an interesting pattern on the top of her head.  Like a tumultuous storm tossing waves in the ocean.

This is why I always have her hair in a ponytail when we leave the house.  Not because I am an amazing mother who wants to make sure her daughter always looks her best, no, because I will go crazy if I have to look at that storm all day long.

1 comment:

  1. She looks adorable Li! I love her hair! Her eyes are so big & beautiful!
