Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Washing Dishes

Do you find that there are certain things on your priority list that you don't mind dropping down a few spots?  And do you just-so-happen to do this (drop-down) often in regards to a particular task?  Generally, I think I have something of a hierarchy of necessary work.  But, there are certain tasks that, while "necessary," I thoroughly begrudge doing and so am willing to stall their undertaking as often as possible.

This evening while thinking about it, I decided that my daily chores can be compared to a card game.  There are Kings and Queens that beat out all those low-numbered cards, but then there's always a "trump" card, too.  So, for instance, cleaning up the toys that are clustered sporadically across the floor might be something like a 3 of Clubs, while doing the laundry so I have a work shirt ready might be a Jack of Spades.  Activities like making sure the kids are fed and clean would probably rank in those higher level cards.  While things like uncluttering the house and folding laundry would be low level cards.

Now, I'm not that avid a card player, but the "trump" card doesn't always have to be the same--right?  That is to say, in one game it could be a Heart and in another game it could be a Diamond.... ?  And, is it true it isn't necessarily the same number every time?  I ask this, mostly just to make sure my analogy will really work....

You see, when it comes to washing dishes (let's say that's a 2 of Clubs), I will make almost anything a trump against it.

It's not like I abhor washing the dishes.  I just don't really like it.  There's almost always something else I'd rather be doing.  You have to stand there, in one place, hands wet and soapy, wash after wash after wash after wash.  Of course, I can't ever really stand there, in one place, since generally when I'm washing dishes, my children are still moving about throughout the house and need attending to every few minutes or so.  Which only means that the entire washing dishes process takes that much longer: stop; listen carefully for which child is crying/yelling; rinse soap off hands; dry hands quickly; go check suspicious scene; resolve problematic issue/s; return to soapy water; continue washing; repeat entire process over again until dishes are complete or children have magically disappeared.

The only problem is that you eventually run out of trump cards.  That is to say, eventually, the dishes must be done.  It's a very disappointing reality.  I often wish I was on one of those cooking shows.  You see these people creating fantastic meals, but you never see them cleaning the dishes afterwards.  At least the way I imagine it, they never even clean the dishes at all.  They have their low-level minions do that.  And so we have children.  Oh, I await the day when they are old enough to be given daily dish duty.


  1. Libby, you could so write a book -- I would buy it! I clearly identified with every.single.thing you wrote in this post....but especially in the "listen, rinse hands, resolve issue, rush back to continue and repeat." Motherhood shouldn't be this stressful, but wow do I feel my blood pressure rise when things like this happen. Thank you for posting feels oh-so-good to know I'm not alone! =)

  2. oh anna! if only i could write a book--that sounds like a lot of fun!! i have a long way to go before that would happen, for sure!

    i'm so glad to hear you go through the same thing! it's comforting, isn't it, when we learn that others have similar experiences as our own? :D
