Sunday, December 12, 2010

On the Phone

Growing up, I hated calling people for the first time.  I even hated calling a friend when it was likely someone besides that friend would answer the phone.  At home, I ran from the phone when it started to ring. I'd rather hear it ring ten times than answer it.  This was back in the day before Caller ID.  What a brilliant, brilliant invention, Caller ID.  I am very thankful for it--on a daily basis.

I'm not sure the reason for my phone-phobia, but there is still some of it lingering today.  In fact, it wasn't until I had to start calling hospitals and doctors all the time that I started to get better about the phone.  My son's medical condition pushed me to start doing what I hated.  But through the challenge, I grew.  Isn't that how it happens sometimes?

Though, like I said, there is still some phone-phobia lingering.  And this weekend, my phone-phobia nerves were pushed to their limits.  I had offered to help a local non-profit by making calls for them.  They were in desperate need of volunteers, and I really like helping out.  I just had to call 50 families to give them some information on an upcoming event that they were scheduled to attend.  No problem.  While I figured it'd take a while to call all the families, I didn't expect it to be quite so overwhelming for me.  Besides, I was calling them with very exciting news.

Most of these people didn't answer the phone when I called.  A similarly large number of them didn't have voicemail.  At first, I didn't think this would be a problem; I would just call them later.  But what happened instead was a mystery to me.  Suddenly, my phone was ringing...

Me: "Hello?"
Person A:  "Hello."
Me: "......... ummmmm.... yes.  Hello."  <AHHHHH!!  I'm freaking out!!  Stop!  Don't do this to me!  I'm going to hang up!>
Person A: "You called me."
Me: <trying desperately to hold it together> "Riiiiiight.... I probably did call you.  Could you please tell me your name?"
Person A: <shocked that I would have to ask for their name> <pause> <gives me his name>
Me: <glad to have a name, searching through papers while my mind spins because my stress level is through the ROOF>  "Right, well, let me just find your information here so I can let you know what's going on....."

At that point, it generally took me the entire conversation to calm down after the trauma.  And this happened over and over again.  You might think I'd get used to it.  But I didn't.  How could I?!?!  THE STRESS!!  Wow.  I mean, seriously, it took all that was in me not to hang up on them right after the first awkward "hello."  Don't these people know they should at least say their NAME when they call someone!!  EEK!  Oh dear.... oh dear....  So anxiety producing....!

Obviously, I am not cut out for this type of work.  Lesson learned.  The hard way.  I think we know one kind of volunteer work that I won't be volunteering to do in the near future.


  1. well, in my job, I call people all day long, I am suddenly appreciative that the 'ID' that will show up on their phone cannot get back to me. So, you don't want to do my work all day while I play with your kids???
