Sunday, August 15, 2010

eureka! he's too smart!

Being married to a theoretical physicist has its problems for sure.  One major difficulty is the fact that he can spot ridiculous scientific jargon a mile away.  We've watched a couple of episodes of a show called "Eureka," and I think,sadly, that we won't be able to watch any more.  Instead of having a peanut gallery at my side, it's more like a scientific judge.  Now, don't get me wrong--I'm intelligent enough to know that a lot of what these actors are saying is complete nonsense.  But my husband on the other hand, he actually knows the much deeper falsehood--that fact that some of these thoughts go further than not making sense, they actually are at their core untrue ideas.  I do feel sorry for him at times.   Poor man can't even watch a geeky show without tearing it to pieces based on its inaccuracies.  Such a shame.  I suppose, though, it's mostly a loss for me--since now we're once again left to find a new show to watch on hulu....


  1. I have the same problem with medical shows. After working in the medical field, it ruined medical drama for me.

  2. How sad! Guess there are times I should be happy I don't have any advanced education! :-P
