Sunday, May 15, 2011

Time for Blogging

People have often asked me where I find the time to blog in the midst of taking care of two small children, working some hours during the week, and being involved in the church and community.  I'd like you all to recognize that I am not superwoman, I merely prioritize.  And I always prioritize blogging, or anything else more exciting, over housework.  I took some pictures just so you could see what I mean:

Exhibit A:
This is our dining room table....

Exhibit B:
This is supposed to be a table for my son to use for his own creative activities.

Exhibit C:
These are toys....all over the floor...much the same as any other "walking" space throughout the first floor of the house.

Lately I've found myself crafting flower clips in my "spare" time, but it's all the same really.  When it comes to that time of night after the children are finally in bed, I rarely do what needs to be done.  Instead, I do the things that I feel like doing right at that very moment.  It's a shame, really.  Our house is quite a disaster.  I often find myself thinking back on my childhood and the impressions I had of people based on the inside of their houses.  I shudder to think of what people think of us.  And truly it's all my fault.  I would love a clean house, but I just don't seem to have the motivation.  I'm much more motivated after a long day to do a craft or watch a movie than I am to wash the dishes or clean the floor....or organize my stuff....or go through the important mail....or fold laundry....or put away said laundry....  
I'm sure you get the point.

So, it's Sunday and tomorrow we start the week afresh.  Perhaps this week I will spend more time on the need-to-dos instead of the want-to-dos....  Or, perhaps I will just continue doing what I have been doing. Old habits are so hard to break, aren't they?

1 comment:

  1. Libby I love you, your honesty & that your home is full of fun, creativity & happiness. If it will make you feel any better, I feel much the same way ... my dining room & table are littered with pottery supplies, my kitchen table is a catch all for anything & everything. I do have a sign in my kitchen that says "Dust is just a country accent" You want one?! :P
