Friday, January 7, 2011

"Happy Mediums"

You know that concept of a "happy medium"?  Somewhere middle-of-the-road where you are in your comfort zone, not too far to one side or the other in a particular situation...?

I've been thinking about it recently, and I feel like I'm rarely "happy" when I find my "happy medium".  It may be my comfort zone, but I'm still so often wondering if I'm making a good choice.  I find I second guess myself and compare my situation to someone else's.  It leaves me wondering if I'm being a wimp by staying in the middle or if I'm doing it just to keep from having to make a real decision.

Now, of course, no decision is a decision.  So, I am inevitably making a decision one way or the other, but is it the right one....?

Perhaps it's my constant pessimism that keeps me at a despairing median instead of a happy medium.  Or, I like to think that it's the fact that our culture gives us so many options for every single choice in our lives that there is no way I could ever be sure I was making the right choice.  This doesn't apply in all things, but there are certainly a lot of situations where this applies.  Do I stay home with my children or work, or maybe just work for a couple of hours a week?  Or work from home?  Or have my husband stay home while I work. (HA! not likely!)

Do I go to the store that generally sells the cheapest products, or do I go to the store that has a better reputation and employee standards? Or, do I divide my time between them?  Or do I go to the more expensive store and spend my time at home clipping coupons to ease the spending?

I could probably spend an hour listing frequent dilemmas I come against--trying to find my own happy medium and ultimately still feeling unsure and unhappy.  I can't actually spend an hour listing them, though, since even just the five minutes it's taken me to write this much has my preschooler in tears screaming and me wishing I was headed out the door on a tropical vacation.  Oh, to dream.

1 comment:

  1. so, is that the same kind of dilemma as....the taco soup on the stove smells delicious, should I have planned cornbread or the pesto bread that is in the breadmaker.................take down the tree decorations......clean or craft? oh me, oh my!!! if you think about any of these too much it will make you crazy. God has given us each only 24 hours in the day, and it is HIS power in us that does what gets done, so stop fretting, when the day is done, you will have made choices, and you will shape some of tomorrow's choices by what you did today -- but that is how life is -- constantly learning - constantly changing! I am not dismissing your dilemmas, just know that we all face a lot of that stuff every day, and as I told the ladies at our group this morning......sometimes I just want to know :Just WHAT would a holy woman of GOD do about this?" not sure there is always a clear answer, in an envelope delivered at the perfect time.
    love you!!!
